Oil pan. Oil pump

Oil pan


(1) Clean oil pan in solvent and wipe dry with a clean cloth.

(2) Clean the oil pan gasket surface. DO NOT use a grinder wheel or other abrasive tool to clean sealing surface.

(3) Clean oil screen and tube thoroughly in clean solvent.


(1) Inspect oil drain plug and plug hole for stripped or damaged threads. Repair as necessary.

(2) Inspect the oil pan mounting flange for bends or distortion. Straighten flange, if necessary.

Oil pump


(1) Wash all parts in a suitable solvent.


CAUTION: Oil pump pressure relief valve and spring should not be removed from the oil pump. If the these components are disassembled andør removed from the pump the entire oil pump assembly must be replaced.

(1) Clean all parts thoroughly. Mating surface of the oil pump housing should be smooth. If the pump cover is scratched or grooved the oil pump assembly should be replaced.

(2) Lay a straight edge across the pump cover surface (Fig. 137). If a 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) feeler gauge can be inserted between the cover and the straight edge the oil pump assembly should be replaced.

(3) Measure the thickness of the outer rotor (Fig.

138). If the outer rotor thickness measures at 12.005 mm (0.400 in.) or less the oil pump assembly must be replaced.

(4) Measure the diameter of the outer rotor. If the outer rotor diameter measures at 85.925 mm (0.400 in.) or less the oil pump assembly must be replaced.

(5) Measure the thickness of the inner rotor (Fig.

139). If the inner rotor thickness measures at 12.005 mm (0.400 in.) or less then the oil pump assembly must be replaced.

(6) Slide outer rotor into the body of the oil pump.

Press the outer rotor to one side of the oil pump body and measure clearance between the outer rotor and the body (Fig. 140). If the measurement is 0.47mm (0.0186 in.) or more the oil pump assembly must be replaced.

(7) Install the inner rotor in the into the oil pump body. Measure the clearance between the inner and outer rotors (Fig. 141). If the clearance between the rotors is .150 mm (0.006 in.) or more the oil pump assembly must be replaced.

(8) Place a straight edge across the body of the oil pump (between the bolt holes), if a feeler gauge of .095 mm (0.0038 in.) or greater can be inserted between the straightedge and the rotors, the pump must be replaced (Fig. 142).

NOTE: 4.7 Oil pump is released as an assembly.

There are no DaimlerChrysler part numbers for Sub- Assembly components. In the event the oil pump is not functioning or out of specification it must be replaced as an assembly.

    Dodge Durango (DN) 1998-2003 Service Manual


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